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Who is the subject of this piece 

He was a bishop, and a priest 



Why am I writing this, what did he do 

Well sit down, listen, and let me tell you 



1931 was the year of his birth 

And for 90 years he's been proving his worth 



He was impoverished for almost all of his childhood 

But all it did was fuel his goals, to make change where he could 



He grew up in the pews, he was there every Sunday 

He made his sermons lively, he knew he'd make archbishop one day 


A cleric, and a priest, he made bishop, three times, three cities 

And the first ever Black South African Archbishop, that is history 



But he wanted to do more, stand up for the black people 

And take down the tyrants that had made him feel feeble 



Inspired by Gandhi, he led peaceful protest 

But all it did was make the government further contest 



They realized it must turn violent, to really make their point 

And he teamed up with Mandela to make their protests joint 



They stood up to discrimination, and friends getting jailtime 

And for the first time in his life, being black wasn't a crime 


For his efforts and success in stopping the civil war 

He won the Nobel Peace Prize, in 1984 


Now I know you are wondering who this piece refers to 

Well who else would it be, but the icon Desmond Tutu! 

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