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July 2nd 1955: Day of his marriage 


What an amazing day. What a beautiful woman. Nomalizo is the absolute love of my life. She is funny, kind and a wonderful human being. She is the embodiment of goodwill. She is such a strong, powerful woman. She is so smart and helpful. She makes me so happy when she is around me. I am so happy to spend the rest of my life.


December 10th 1984: Day of Tutu's Nobel Peace Prize  


I am truly blessed. I feel so grateful to have received this award. Although this doesn't mean the war is over, it is a huge step in the right direction. This accolade means so much to me. It signifies that our efforts are not in vain, and are being seen and are being influential worldwide. Our tribulations were all worth it. It isn't over, but this is great start. 


We can build from this. It means that we are well on our way to success. It will give us fuel to motivate us. And when we finally do succeed, we can look back at this day and think about it as a vital point in the journey we started, to end racial injustice. I am so very thankful to the selection committee for seeing what we were doing, and recognizing it with this amazing award.


May 10th 1994: Day of Mandela's election as President, Effective end of Apartheid 


This day for this great nation. We have reached our goals. We have succeeded in battle, we have made change, and we have made history. Mandela is president, and I couldn't be happier. This man is an amazing person, an influential activist, and a, hopefully, commanding president. I am so proud of all Black South Africans, for coming together, and leading the fight against racism in South Africa 


I am proud of myself. I set a goal to end Apartheid, and we accomplished it. I had to keep a growth mentality, I had to be resilient, I had to be torn down to shreds. But with my family and all of my fantastic friends, their support and care for my wellbeing brought me through these terrible decades of constant racial abuse. 


And I want to thank everyone in government. We had to fight to get through your barrage of maltreatment, but we were finally able to come to an agreement. We are finally in assent. And though we may have loathed you for generations, it is great to have earned your alliance. I am proud to be a Black South African once more! 


Desmond Tutu 


1994 TRC Elections 


I am so proud to be in this position. It is amazing that we, the new government, Mandela, all of us, are standing up together as a united country. And this appointment is vital for all of South Africa, as this investigation can help us prevent an event like the Apartheid for the future generation worldwide. We need to find justice in making there be consequences for the tyrants who mistreated  us, and silenced any upstanders. I really hope this task force/commission can reap not only rewards but peace of mind, and  make sure that the lives lost were not in vain. This means so much to me, and I am truly honoured  to have received the leadership role of such an important team.  

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